Business Card - Revise or add New Employee (NexCards Design Services)
Are you looking to add, revise, or update an existing business card design? We can do that for you. All we need is one file with the layout and fonts for a business card, and then we can update it with the new information and send you proofs for your review and approval.
Rules of Engagement
All design work must be paid in full prior to any printing beginning. No files are given to you until all payment is received. Proofs will be sent with a watermark and low resolution for review.
To begin, we will need a master file or one example of a standard layout for your business card. If we do not have the font, you will need to provide all font files needed for the revision. The master file needs to be in vector format with the ability to edit text. Files that are flattened or fonts that are outlined are NOT editable and will be rejected.
If you cannot send the fonts, then we will either make the best substitution possible, or if the font you want is required, we will purchase the font and pass the cost on to you.
We will cut and paste the detail information you send us, so please provide accurate spelling and details. When we send proofs, please carefully review accuracy, layout, and design; we are not responsible for typos or layout mistakes if the design has been approved by you. Reprints are at your expense.
Colors on your monitor are not a true a representation of how they will look when printed. We make no guarantees about color, and there are variations each time we print due to the nature of printing.